Data extractions
The practical 'how-to' instructions relating to data extraction are below and the four additional NTD documents relating to data extraction are linked below.
Australia Collated Data items v2.1- Fiona's hospital data dictionary????
All hospitals and health services, Australia-wide, are welcome to participate in the NTD following ethics and governance approval.
Case inclusion criteria:
The NTD collects data from all patients (≥18 years old) transfused any type of blood product, and all blood donors (≥18 years old), at participating health services or organisations.
Suggestions to get started:
Please first read the following documents:
180423_MTR_information for new AUS sites v1.1.pdf - contains an overview and summary of how to get started
180516_MTR_Collated Data items v2.1.pdf - lists all the hospital information system (HIS), Laboratory and Transfusion data items requested. Please note that some of these data items are optional if they are not readily available in your information systems.
For Lab and Transfusion data extraction:​
For HIS data extraction:
Information about the NTD:
The NTD uses Monash University's secure file transfer server.
SFTP website address: https://sftp.helix.monash.edu​
An SFTP account will be created for your site once Governance approval is in place.
Data extraction instructions
How to transfer data to the NTD
Site Data Extraction
The practical 'how-to' instructions relating to data extraction are below and the four additional NTD documents relating to data extraction are linked below.
​All hospitals and health services, Australia-wide, are welcome to participate in the NTD following ethics and governance approval.
Case inclusion criteria:
The NTD collects data from all patients (≥18 years old) transfused any type of blood product, and all blood donors (≥18 years old), at participating health services or organisations.
Suggestions to get started:
Please first read the following documents:
For Lab and Transfusion data extraction:​
For HIS data extraction:
Information about the NTD:
The NTD uses Monash University's secure file transfer server.
SFTP website address: https://sftp.helix.monash.edu​
An SFTP account will be created for your site once Governance approval is in place.